Your enterprise must seek to determine whether any of your business activities or the products you deal in are subject to strategic trade control in the jurisdiction in which you operate. Any enterprise that imports, exports, transfers, transports, facilitates, brokers, manufactures, produces, designs, develops, stockpiles, or uses goods or technologies with military or “dual-use” capabilities/applications is potentially impacted by strategic trade controls.
Additionally, many countries maintain so-called “catch all” controls that restrict or prohibit trade transactions involving “non-listed items,” when the exporter knows, should know, or is informed by the national authorities that the item(s) is destined for a WMD or military end-use or end-user. As a result, strategic trade controls potentially impact a broad group of industry stakeholders (which includes goods, technology, and service providers) and may be applicable to enterprises from a wide variety of industry sectors.
Industry stakeholders that are affected by STC could include:
Strategic trade controls impact a diverse range of industrial sectors, which includes (but is not limited to):